The Blue Room Family 1991-2001
Blue Room Loudspeakers 1991-1993
The Team - Founder Simon Ghahary, Co-founder Dave Roberts (business partner), Matt Lennard, Nick Johns, Tim Johns, James Torme
Product Design & Creative Direction - Simon Ghahary
Acoustic Engineering - Laurence Dickie, Martin De Saulles
Production Engineering - Dave Roberts,
Manufacturing - Dave Roberts, Simon Ghahary, Martin De Saulles, Marc Weaver, Nick Johns,
Special thanks to - Mathew Lennard (for early support and being a great pal), Gary Lennard (for the chance to move to Steyning from Brighton and find that skip), Friends of Steyning that pointed me to the skip, Dr. John Dibb (for first opening the door at B&W), Tim Johns (For business structure and general business advice) John Holland, A to Z Signs Brighton, Laurence Dickie & Robert Trunz. LX Paterson for the Soundtrack.
Blue Room Loudspeakers with B&W loudspeakers 1993-1995
Partners - Simon Ghahary, Robert Trunz & Dave Roberts
Product Design & Creative Direction - Simon Ghahary
Acoustic Engineering - Laurence Dickie and Martin De Saulles,
Production Engineering - Dave Roberts and Alan Denyer
Manufacturing - Dave Roberts, Marc Weaver, Nigel Tew
Marketing - Robert Trunz, Andrew Sutton, Jonathan Richardson, Richie Burridge, Peter Chadwick, Hans Berland, Robert Wong, Louise Leekham Donno, Mark Allen
Product Photography - Robert Clifford
Sales - B&W loudspeakers International distributors
Special thanks - Richard Norris & Dave Bull of the Grid (watch the video for the Grid's Swamp Thing here), B&W staff across departments, Ben Gill and Use Your Loaf, The Escape Club and staff of the Nineties, Pete Lendy & friends. RIP Andy Crock
Blue Room Loudspeakers 1996-2001
Owners - Robert Trunz & Libera Trunz
Product Design & Creative Direction - Simon Ghahary
Acoustic & Technical development team - Laurence Dickie, Martin De Saulles
Manufacturing - Dave Roberts (1996 - 1998), Scandyna International
Omnimount Bracket Design - Martin De Saulles & Robert Trunz
Marketing and Brand Development - Robert Trunz, Simon Ghahary, Mark Fischer, Dan Egli, Christoph Spengler, Olivia Gwyn-Jones
Website development - Simon Ghahary, Mark Fischer, Dan Egli, Christoph Spengler, Owen Priestley, Graham Holden, Neil Bellamy
Sales - Rob Lambert & Robert Wong
Product Photography - Kristoph Klauke, Micheal Gardiner from Walter Gardiner, Simon Lewis
Product Photography / Art direction - Kristoph Klauke Photography / Mark Fischer - Micheal Gardiner of Walter Gardiner & Simon Lewis - Photography / Simon Ghahary
Blue Room Released 1995 - 2001
Partners - Robert Trunz and Simon Ghahary
Founder, A&R, Creative Direction & Design - Simon Ghahary
Label Manager - Mick Paterson
Sales & Distribution - Dave Tyler, Scott Taves, Blue Room Americas
Production - Richard Wheeler & Clive Thompson
Press & Promotions - Celeste Neill, Jonathan Richardson, Shelly
UK Events - James Baggott & the Ahimsa team, Daveid Phillips (The Forum and Tribal Gathering)
Worldwide Events - Mark Van Der Vlugt, Peter Van Der Vlugt, Borzin, Chill Nique, Adam Antennae Ohana
The Artists - Juno Reactor - Ben Watkins & Mike Maquire, Cydonia - Dino Psaras, Steve Ronan, Ian Rive, Total Eclipse - Stéphane Holweck, Serge Souque & Loïc Van Pouckein, Saafi Brothers - Michael Kohlbecker, Gabriel Le Mar & Alex Azary, KoxBox - Frank'e Madsen, Peter Candy, Ian Ion, Etnica - Max Lanfranconi, Carlo Paterno Maurizio Begotti & Andrea Rizzo, Deviant Electronics - Ciaran Walsh, Spectral - Jean-Loup Kehrig, Thierry Gotti, Giuseppe De Bellis Rodrigo Passannanti, X-Dream - Jan Müller & Marcus C. Maichel, Johann Bley, The Infinity Project - Raja Ram & Graham Wood, Carcharadon - Francois Cribier, Patrice Pezet & Xavier Morel, Acidrockers - Matthew Buggins, Galaxy - Boris Blenn, Cwithe - Anthony Koppenaal, Jens Waldebäck, Metalspark - Lucas Mees, Lorenzo Zoeter, Patrice Van Den Berg, Noosphere - Eberhard Schulz, Niels Paschen, Sunkings - Jay Paine, Paul N. Davies, Michael Bluemink, Taz Alexander & Hugh Ashton, RND Technolgies - Fredrick Almquist, Phil Weiss, Pierre Branet, Willy Boutron, Yacco Vijn, Adrian Danet, Alexis Le Tan, Alien - Alastair Johnson, Ben Wierzoch, Ofer Dikovsky & Marko Goren
The DJs - Dino Psaras, Mike Maquire, Serge Souque, Lucas, Xavier Morel and the many champions of our music
Mastering - Kevin Metcalf at Soundmasters
Album Artwork Collaborators - Outside the Reactor - Matt Consume, Photos - Nigel Garion-Hutchings. TIP - Mystical Experiences - Based on Molecule Painting by Brahma. Total Eclipse - Delta Aquirids - Mark Allen, Photos - Nigel Garion-Hutchings. Juno Reactor - Beyond the Infinite - Cover image Simon Watkins, Trip Through Sound - Richie Burridge. Made On Earth - Photo Jonathan Ross. Signs of Life & More Signs of Life - Photos Steven Alexander. Total Eclipse - Violent Relaxation - Richie Burridge, Saafi Brothers - Richie Burridge, Cover Painting - Brahma.
Thanks - Inner Field sound system, all at TIP Records, Dimitri, Borzin, Nique, Youth, Kata & the Finnish Crew, Carsten Stäcker, Sven Vath, LX Paterson, Paul Oakenfold, CJ Bolland, Robert Leiner, Front 242, Russ Street people, Pat Davey, Ray Rowles & Extra special thanks to our many listeners and the Global Tribe that made our events legend
Blue Room Americas – San Francisco
The Team - Nick Crayson (CEO), Adam Antennae Ohana, Cyril Noir, DJ Anna Anon, Darin Earl, Jonathan Obera, Devon Crayson, Paul Bosworth
A&R, Creative Direction & Design - Simon Ghahary
Ownership - Nick Crayson, Robert Trunz
Thanks - Nick for taking the Blue Room mantle and running with it. And extra special thanks to all our San Fran and West Coast family– you know who you are!
Website credits
© & TM Simon Ghahary 2023. All rights reserved. No part of this website may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical or otherwise, without written permission of the copyright owners. (Contact info@ghahary.com for details)
THE FUTURE SHAPE OF SOUND Main Image Photography: Kristoph Klauke
OUR MISSION Main Image Photography: Kristoph Klauke
INSPIRATION Main Image Photography: Kristoph Klauke
1991/IN THE BEGINNING - Main Image: MegaPod Illustration: Simon Ghahary
1991/THE PROPOSAL - Main Image: HousePod Painting: Simon Ghahary
1991-1992/FROM 2D TO 3D - Main Image: HousePod Illustration: Simon Ghahary / Page - 1st Row Images: Illustration: Simon Ghahary / Photography: Simon Ghahary 2nd Row Images: 1st image: Dave Roberts 2&3 Images Photography: Simon Ghahary / 3rd Row Images / 1st image: Photography: Simon Ghahary 2nd image: Photography: Matt Lennard / 3&4 Images: Photography: Simon Ghahary
1992/BIRTH OF BLUE ROOM Main Image: Illustration: Simon Ghahary Page - All other images: Simon Ghahary
1993/THE GREAT ESCAPE: BIRTH OF THE POD SOUND SYSTEM Main Image: Simon Ghahary Page - All other photography: Simon Ghahary
1993/BLUE ROOM NESTS WITHIN B&W LOUDSPEAKERS Main Image: Photography: Simon Ghahary Page Image: Illustration/painting: Simon Ghahary
1994/WORKSHOP GOES ACTIVE Main Image: Photography: Simon Ghahary / Page - All other photography: Simon Ghahary
1994/BLUE ROOM UNLEASHES Main Image: Photography: Simon Ghahary / Page - 1st Image - Andrew Sutton / 2nd Row image Photography: Robert Clifford / 3rd Row image 1st & 2nd slide Photography: Simon Ghahary / Design - Andrew Sutton / 4th Row Images Design - Andrew Sutton
1995/BLUE ROOM EXTENDS INTO EUROPE Main Image: Photography: Unknown 1st Row/2nd Image - Photography: Unknown 3rd Row / Photography: Unknown
1994/BIRTH OF THE MINIPOD Main Image: MiniPod Illustration: Simon Ghahary/ Page - Illustration: Simon Ghahary
1996/BLUE ROOM HALTS PRODUCTION Main Image: Photography: Jake Purches
1995/THE LAUNCH OF BLUE ROOM RELEASED Main Image: Richie Burridge & Simon Ghahary Page - 1st Row Images: Illustration: Simon Ghahary 2nd Row Cover: Kirlin Photography: Nigel Garion Design: Matt Consume & Simon Ghahary / 3rd Row Image Photography: Cyril Noir / 4th Row Cover: Andrew Sutton / 5th Row Flyer design: Richie Burridge / 6th Row Image: Simon Ghahary
1996-1998/BLUE ROOM GOES GLOBAL Main Image: Photography: Simon Ghahary Page covers 1st row - Juno Reactor - Conga Fury Artwork [Image] – Simon Watkins/Cover – MadArk / Saafi Brothers - Midnight's Children Cover – Richie Burridge / Juno Reactor - Bible of Dreams Cover – MadArk/ More Signs of Life Artwork/Cover - Simon Ghahary / 2nd Row AcidRockers - mindset Artwork/Cover - Simon Ghahary / Montauk P - Def=Lim Artwork/Cover - Simon Ghahary / Deviant Electronics - Blunt Instruments Artwork/Cover - Simon Ghahary / Eternal Basement - Magnet Artwork/Cover - Simon Ghahary / 3rd Row Blue Room Freekstyle - Artwork/Cover - Simon Ghahary / Galaxy - Solar Synthesis Artwork/Cover - Simon Ghahary / Juno Reactor - Beyond the infinite Artwork [Image] – Simon Watkins/Design- Simon Ghahary / Juno Reactor - Guardian Angel Artwork [Image] – Artwork [Image] Simon Watkins/Design- Madark / 4th Row Koxbox - Too Pure Artwork Concept/Design - Simon Ghahary. Think Artwork [Image] – James Tallon / Koxbox - Stratosfear Artwork - Bird / Blue Room Released Made On Earth Concept/Design - Simon Ghahary/ Photography: Jonathan Ross / Saafi Brothers - Mystic Cigarettes – Concept/Design - Simon Ghahary/Think / 5th Row Total Eclipse - Access Denied Artwork/Design- Simon Ghahary / Total Eclipse - Access Denied Artwork/Design- Simon Ghahary/Think Signs of Life Artwork/Cover - Simon Ghahary / X-Dream - Radio Artwork/Cover - Simon Ghahary / 6th Row Delta - As a Child I walked on the Ceiling Artwork/Cover - Simon Ghahary / Total Eclipse - Delta Aquarids Artwork/Design- Simon Ghahary kirlin Photography: Nigel Garion / Trip through Sound - Concept/Design - Simon Ghahary/Think / Alien - Pleasure of Leisure Concept/Design - Think
1998/BLUE ROOM AMERICAS Main Image: unknown / Page - 1st & 2nd Images: Devon Crayson / 3rd & 4th Images: Simon Ghahary / 2nd Row - All images Cyril Noir
1998/REBIRTH OF THE MINIPOD Main Image: Photography: Simon Ghahary Page 1st Row - Photography: Micheal Gardiner (featuring Nico Trunz's fingers!) / 2nd Row / Illustrations: Marc Fisher / 3rd Row - Photography: Micheal Gardiner/ 4th Row - Photography: Simon Ghahary
1999/BLUE ROOM LOUDSPEAKERS RELAUNCHED Main Image: Photography: Micheal Gardiner/ Design Simon Ghahary / Page 1st Row - Photography: Kristoph Klauke / Logo reboot: Marc Fisher / 3rd Row Photography: Kristoph Klauke
1999/POD SACK Main Image: Photography: Kristoph Klauke / 1st Row Illustrations: Marc Fisher / 2nd Row Photography: Kristoph Klauke
2000/BIRTH OF THE BASS STATION Main Image: Photography: Micheal Gardiner - Page All other images Photography: Micheal Gardiner/
2001/BIRTH OF THE CINEPOD Main Image: Photography: Micheal Gardiner - Page All other images Photography: Micheal Gardiner/
2003/BIRTH OF THE MICROPOD Main Image: Photography: Scandyna - Page 1st Row - images: simon Ghahary / 2nd Row Photography: Scandyna
2001/BLUE ROOM RETROSPECTIVE Main Image: Photography: Micheal Gardiner Page All other images Photography: Micheal Gardiner/Design: Simon Ghahary
© & TM Simon Ghahary 2023. All rights reserved. No part of this website may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical or otherwise, without written permission of the copyright owners. (Contact info@ghahary.com for details)